
Official Training Camps

Join us for High Quality Training in Relevant Terrains


Maps can either be purchased as files (JPG/OCAD) or in printed form.
All maps are drawn by GT Maps who will also draw the WOC2022 competition maps.

For location of the training areas please consult Google Maps.

Released maps – Assens, Christiansfeld, Horsens C, Kolding Danhostel, Kolding North, Middelfart, Teglgårdsparken, Vejen Vest, Haderslev C (part of the map), Odense C, Grindsted, Vejen C and Haderslev C (entire map)
Maps to be released May 2022 – Esbjerg C, Ribe


Map file in JPG/OCAD: 30 DKK/print/athlete/training session. Files can be purchased free of charge for self-printing, but it is the responsibility of the teams to count and report back to the organiser the number of prints. Invoicing will be based on the number of prints used by athletes participating in specific training sessions. More information will be given at purchase of files.

Purchase and remarks

Note that there will be areas in the terrains where we do not have a general access permission. These will be marked on the maps, and it is very important that these forbidden areas are strictly respected everywhere.
In connection with official training camps, the WOC2022 organisers will obtain permission to use specific forbidden areas for training. Please observe that the extent and occurrence of the forbidden areas may change throughout the training period.

Maps and trainings can be purchased by sending an email on:

Please use this scheme to report your training sessions and number of prints: WOC2022 Self training and map prints